The Basics of Telepathic Animal Communication

Online Course with Nancy Windheart

In this class, you’ll learn:

  • What telepathic animal communication is and how to recognize it
  • The basic principles and characteristics of telepathic communication with animals
  • What animal communication is NOT (important to know!)
  • How animal communication can help you and your animal friends
  • Steps you can take right away to begin to open your connection and communication with animals
  • Tools to help you quiet your mind and open your heart deep connection and communication with your animal friends.

This class includes:

  • A 60-Minute Introductory Video on the essential basics you need to know
  • An eBook - "10 Tools for Telepathic Communication with Animals"
  • An mp3 Meditation - "Open Your Heart to the Animals"


Get Your Free Access Here

This is a fun, information-filled class with tools and tips to start you on your journey with animal communication.

Begin your journey with animal communication today!

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